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Dr. Pani, VP of Academic Affairs, reports that Maymester will be stopping 2019. Reason are, decline in student enrollment. Current enrollment does not equal the enrollment that is seen in session one and two of the Summer semester. Enrollment has declined by half in three years Will strengthen summer enrollment Information Technology (IT) will have time to conduct maintenance in May. Academic Affairs will look at having Maymester be an off-campus course where students can obtain hands on education off campus. Senator Daniel Reports on handbook committee President Rogers reports that the handbook has been revised and is on Dr. Panis desk, waiting for approval. This is next on his list of priorities. Handbook changes were made in 2015, progress was made. Motion to have Handbook committee within the Faculty Senate to review handbook annually and create policy as needed was made. Senator Eistenstadt made the motion to review the handbook annually and create policy. Senator Mobley second it Unanimous vote by the Senate to have the Handbook Committee review handbook annually and create policy as needed. Senator Eisenstadt reports on Curriculum Committee Reports small changes. Minimum grade for passing is being reviewed Course for Cultural Science: African American Studies, Political Science, Dental Hygiene are being reviewed with possible category changes. Senator Weidemier Research Council met on Sept. 26 Reviewing Faculty mentoring: Mentoring new members. How to improve teaching and research then adding section to handbook. Candidate of Vice President of Academic Affairs. Senators suggest looking for a candidate that will help make environmental changes to increase the Universitys research abilities., research grant concentration, and increase in publication. Senator Mobley reports on Graduate Council Student application for work is being reviewed. Publication and how it affects the university is being discussed. Faculty continue to complain that FAD is time consuming, suggestions to put in Moodle are being discussed. Flight Path for graduate students on Moodle are being discussed No new business for Constitution and Bylaws, Elections, Faculty Welfare, or Fiscal Affairs Committees. Senator Oldfather suggested we look at ways to embrace solar power on campus, including installing covered parking with solar panels. Senator Rogers said he would approach administration with proposal. Meeting adjourned. Meeting Adjourned1350Submitted By Candace GandyConvener Will Rogers Created 10/25/18 "#$:;<ABCIJP_`eijku  ) < L n ~     ! 3 4 5 6 E T s ~  ҹh+Lh pB*ph h+LhBE h+Lh=A h+Lhm h+Lh3ah3a h+Lh: h+Lh|=| h+Lh%fhm h+Lh5 h+Lh2 h+Lh pB"#$;pkd$$Ifl'* t0*644 laBp yt7 $$Ifa$gd7;<AJP`ej| $Ifgdm $Ifgd7pkd$$Ifl'* t0*644 laBp yt7jkkd$$Iflֈx x<!' t0*644 laBp<yt7ku=kd$$Ifl\',T t0*644 laBp(yt7 $Ifgd75 6 E md[ $Ifgd?N $Ifgd7kd$$Ifl0'2  t0*644 laBpyt7 $Ifgdm vmm $Ifgd7kd$$Ifl0'2  t0*644 laBpyt7 vm``` & F$Ifgd2 $Ifgd7kd2$$Ifl0'2  t0*644 laBpyt7   2 0 _ N O [ \ | IJ&'.789!Z[䬬 h+Lh~ h+Lho, h+LhB h+Lh/_ h+LhBE h+Lh|=| h+LhE h+Lh| h+Lh)`= h+Lh;4 h+Lh: h+Lh!;2 h+Lh h+Lh p h+Lh2;  2 0 vii\iOB & F $IfgdE & F $IfgdE & F $Ifgd3a & F $IfgdEkd$$Ifl0'$$ t0*644 laBpyt70 _ N | J9![ & F $Ifgd~ & F $Ifgd/_ & F $Ifgd/_ & F $IfgdE & F $Ifgd!;2 & F $IfgdE $Ifgd3a & F $IfgdEMU[xY)/?d*+,-458=>?h p h+Lh0+ h+Lh2 h+Lhf] h+Lh p h+Lh h+LhBh> h+Lho, h+Lh~1MxY h$If^hgdB & F$IfgdB & F$Ifgdo, & F$Ifgdo, & F $Ifgdo, & F $Ifgd~ & F $Ifgd~  $Ifgd7pkdx$$Ifl'* t0*644 laBp yt~vmmm $Ifgd7kd$$Ifl0'  t0*644 laBpyt7+,vmmm $Ifgd7kd$$Ifl0'  t0*644 laBpyt7,-5>?vii\ ]`gd c ]`gd pkdI$$Ifl0'  t0*644 laBpyt76&P1h:pk/ =!"#$%   $$IfB!vh#v*:V l t0*65*aBp yt7$$IfB!vh#v*:V l t0*65*aBp yt7$$IfB!vh#v#v#v#v#v#v:V l t0*6555555aBp<yt7$$IfB!vh#v#v,#vT#v :V l t0*655,5T5 aBp(yt7$$IfB!vh#v2 #v :V l t0*652 5 aBpyt7$$IfB!vh#v2 #v :V l t0*652 5 aBpyt7$$IfB!vh#v2 #v :V l t0*652 5 aBpyt7$$IfB!vh#v#v$$:V l t0*655$$aBpyt7$$IfB!vh#v*:V l t0*65*aBp yt~$$IfB!vh#v #v:V l t0*65 5aBpyt7$$IfB!vh#v #v:V l t0*65 5aBpyt7$$IfB!vh#v #v:V l t0*65 5aBpyt7w666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@6666PJ_HmH nH sH tH @`@ ;h1NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List jj k Table Grid7:V0@@  c List Paragraph ^m$HH R0 Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJN/!N R0Balloon Text CharCJOJQJ^JaJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VGRU1a$N% ʣꂣKЛjVkUDRKQj/dR*SxMPsʧJ5$4vq^WCʽ D{>̳`3REB=꽻Ut Qy@֐\.X7<:+& 0h @>nƭBVqu ѡ{5kP?O&Cנ Aw0kPo۵(h[5($=CVs]mY2zw`nKDC]j%KXK 'P@$I=Y%C%gx'$!V(ekڤք'Qt!x7xbJ7 o߼W_y|nʒ;Fido/_1z/L?>o_;9:33`=—S,FĔ觑@)R8elmEv|!ո/,Ә%qh|'1:`ij.̳u'k CZ^WcK0'E8S߱sˮdΙ`K}A"NșM1I/AeހQתGF@A~eh-QR9C 5 ~d"9 0exp<^!͸~J7䒜t L䈝c\)Ic8E&]Sf~@Aw?'r3Ȱ&2@7k}̬naWJ}N1XGVh`L%Z`=`VKb*X=z%"sI<&n| .qc:?7/N<Z*`]u-]e|aѸ¾|mH{m3CԚ .ÕnAr)[;-ݑ$$`:Ʊ>NVl%kv:Ns _OuCX=mO4m's߸d|0n;pt2e}:zOrgI( 'B='8\L`"Ǚ 4F+8JI$rՑVLvVxNN";fVYx-,JfV<+k>hP!aLfh:HHX WQXt,:JU{,Z BpB)sֻڙӇiE4(=U\.O. +x"aMB[F7x"ytѫиK-zz>F>75eo5C9Z%c7ܼ%6M2ˊ 9B" N "1(IzZ~>Yr]H+9pd\4n(Kg\V$=]B,lוDA=eX)Ly5ot e㈮bW3gp : j$/g*QjZTa!e9#i5*j5ö fE`514g{7vnO(^ ,j~V9;kvv"adV݊oTAn7jah+y^@ARhW.GMuO "/e5[s󿬅`Z'WfPt~f}kA'0z|>ܙ|Uw{@՘tAm'`4T֠2j ۣhvWwA9 ZNU+Awvhv36V`^PK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!g theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK] ? 18 ? ;jk 0 ,? 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